The Monkeyman is Pierre Beteille. This is what he says about his work : «I am not a photographer or an artist, I just make images . I shoot very average or even bad photos that I try to improve thanks to Photoshop .» I don't know if I have to agree with him... cause really, I don't. I think whatever Pierre says, he is an artist and a photographer. Surely not a monkeyman. Well, what do you think?
(Via trend.land)
i think this is beautiful and thought-provoking...
althou monsieur beteille is obviously very selfdeprecating. monkeyman makes me think of 12 monkeys, that surreallist show...
so maybe he's on to something there? :)
keep blogging, i read this all the time!
-andrea @ chocablock.blogspot.com
divertido surrealismo punk el de monkey...
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