Thursday, 29 May 2008
Living on exihibit

«Antwerp, Belgium-based one-year-old sculp(IT) is a partnership of two architects, Pieter Peerlings and Silvia Mertens. They have recently completed a clever office, residence and studio for themselves in what they call “Antwerp’s narrowest house” located in Anwerp’s former red-light district. They took a 2.4-meter (7 feet 10 inches) wide space between two buildings, erected a steel skeleton in it and installed four wooden floors, one each for work, dining, relaxing and sleeping, plus a bath tub on the roof.
A one-piece staircase connects the floors. The walls are all glass, allowing light in and creating a feel of space. In a nod to the area’s “exhibitionist” past, each “window” to the street has a black frame emphasizing the showcase or display aspect. The multi-color lighting scheme completes the seedy notion. »
Pictures and text from The Cool Hunter
Matteo Bertolio

Matteo Bertolio is an italian photographer who now lives in Australia. He has a beautiful portfolio!
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
John Martini

If I were to be a sculptor for sure I would be John Martini, by far my favorite sculptor. John Martini lives and works in Key West, Florida and Veuxhaulles-Sur-Aube, France, and his work is, well, simply amazing!
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
I found this blog 23psi (via fffound), and I found (!) on it a couple of entries very interesting. Here's the first one :

Nadia Plesner is a 26 year old Danish artist who was trying to spread the word on Darfur through her t-shirts which carried the artwork above titled Simple Living. For her trouble, she got a “cease and desist” from LV and subsequently a lawsuit.
Did LV get brand-jacked? If you look closely, it isn’t the LV logo that you see on the bag. Was she trying to pass it off as an LV bag? Hardly, I would say, after all it isn’t bags that she’s selling. In her reply to LV, Nadia said: “the bag in my drawing is inspired by - and refers to - designer bags in general and not a Louis Vuitton bag”.
And this is how Nadia explains the rationale for her Darfur campaign.
“My illustration Simple Living is an idea inspired by the medias constant cover of completely meaningless things.
My thought was: Since doing nothing but wearing designerbags and small ugly dogs appearantly is enough to get you on a magasine cover, maybe it is worth a try for people who actually deserves and needs attention.
When we’re presented with the same images in the media over and over again, we might start to believe that they’re important.
As I was reading the book ”Not on our watch” by Don Cheadle and John Prendergast this summer, I felt horrified by the fact that even with the genocide and other ongoing atrocities in Darfur, Paris Hilton was the one getting all the attention. Is it possible that show business have outruled common sense?
If you can’t beat them, join them. This is why I have chosen to mix the cruel reality with showbiz elements in my drawing.”
My own take is that LV overreacted and may be setting itself up for a lot of bad publicity. It should have let the matter die a natural death or found a way of working with Nadia. Fake LV totes do more (and real) damage to a brand, though I wouldn’t be caught dead with one, real or fake.
And here is the other one, a poster for global warming by artist Handoko Tjung:

Nadia Plesner is a 26 year old Danish artist who was trying to spread the word on Darfur through her t-shirts which carried the artwork above titled Simple Living. For her trouble, she got a “cease and desist” from LV and subsequently a lawsuit.
Did LV get brand-jacked? If you look closely, it isn’t the LV logo that you see on the bag. Was she trying to pass it off as an LV bag? Hardly, I would say, after all it isn’t bags that she’s selling. In her reply to LV, Nadia said: “the bag in my drawing is inspired by - and refers to - designer bags in general and not a Louis Vuitton bag”.
And this is how Nadia explains the rationale for her Darfur campaign.
“My illustration Simple Living is an idea inspired by the medias constant cover of completely meaningless things.
My thought was: Since doing nothing but wearing designerbags and small ugly dogs appearantly is enough to get you on a magasine cover, maybe it is worth a try for people who actually deserves and needs attention.
When we’re presented with the same images in the media over and over again, we might start to believe that they’re important.
As I was reading the book ”Not on our watch” by Don Cheadle and John Prendergast this summer, I felt horrified by the fact that even with the genocide and other ongoing atrocities in Darfur, Paris Hilton was the one getting all the attention. Is it possible that show business have outruled common sense?
If you can’t beat them, join them. This is why I have chosen to mix the cruel reality with showbiz elements in my drawing.”
My own take is that LV overreacted and may be setting itself up for a lot of bad publicity. It should have let the matter die a natural death or found a way of working with Nadia. Fake LV totes do more (and real) damage to a brand, though I wouldn’t be caught dead with one, real or fake.
And here is the other one, a poster for global warming by artist Handoko Tjung:


Byroglyphics is Russ Mills, an artist from UK. I love his prints, up for sale on his online gallery!
Friday, 16 May 2008
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Ludovic Maillard

Ludovic Maillard photographie des françaises et des français. De superbes photographies, je vous dit. Voici ce qu'il écrit à propos de son travail : « Mes photographies se construisent autour de longues marches. Un point de départ, une destination, le reste est livré au hasard. Me perdre, abandonner tous préjugés sur ce que doit être une image, m’ouvrir à toutes les rencontres, tous les paysages, tel est mon idéal. Sur cette base mouvante, je veux construire un portrait de la France. »
Un blog qui vaut le détour!
Lucy and Bart

Great blog from Lucy and Bart. LucyandBart is a collaboration between Lucy McRae and Bart Hess described as an instinctual stalking of fashion, architecture, performance and the body. They share a fascination with genetic manipulation and beauty expression. Unconsciously their work touches upon these themes, however it is not their intention to communicate this. They work in a primitive and limitless way creating future human shapes, blindly discovering low – tech prosthetic ways for human enhancement.
Monday, 12 May 2008
Markham Johnson

Markham Johnson's project, called where I stand: California's River Mouth's, was photographed to create a visual record of California's creeks and river mouths as they currently exist. GPS readings were taken at the cameras placement to create reference points for future visits. With ever increasing human impact, the confluence of ocean and river may soon dramatically change and these delicate mergers may completely dissappear...
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Henk Hofstra

Dutch artist Henk Hofstra presents a new environmental art project called ‘Art Eggcident’ in Leeuwarden, a city in the north of the Netherlands. Each egg is 100 feet wide and they will stay in the city for 6 months.
Via Wooster Collective
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Dr Sketchy Montréal

Très cool cette école «anti-art» du Dr Sketchy. Dr. Sketchy est un atelier de modèle vivant mais avec des modèles intéressants; jolies filles, danseurs et autres personnages costumés et le tout se déroule au Théâtre Mainline au lieu d'une classe d'art.
Ce type d'évènement existe depuis plus d'un an à New York et a été créé par l'artiste Molly Crabapple.
Dr. Sketchy a lieu une fois par mois. Pour 10$, vous allez enfin pouvoir remplir votre cahier à dessin!
Étudiants, artistes, simples curieux... vous êtes les bienvenus à l'école anti-art du Sketchy!
Le prochain Dr. Sketchy aura lieu le Samedi, 24 mai, de 14h00 à 17h00.
Tony Duran

It feels weird to see actress Sharon Stone and actor Adrien Brody in this masochist mise-en-scène by celebrity photographer Tony Duran. And M. Duran has photographed pretty near every celebrity possible, therefore his website is a mine of interesting pictures!
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