Invisible Creature is two brothers, Don and Ryan Clark, three times Grammy nominated. They have designed hundreds of CD packages and posters. Yet, they have a long varied list of big clients.
Jill Greenberg is a photographer from Montreal, Canada. She shoots movie stars, animals, and she has a list of very hot clients for advertising. My favorite work on her site is the crying children (read the intro to that section).
I just LOVE this little animation where playdough animals question what is art and what's not. Very humoristic, it gives different point of views. And in the end, I guess everybody's right...
«In 1962, photographer Bert Stern shot a series of photos of Marilyn Monroe that have collectively come to be known as “The Last Sitting.” Forty-six years later, Stern has revisited his classic shots with Lindsay Lohan, another actress whose prodigious fame is not quite commensurate with her professional achievements.» (The New York Magazine)
Chris Wiegand gives an interesting critique of that photoshoot here, in The Guardian.