Cette toile de Nicola Verlato m'a bien fait rire. Elle est dans la section martyrs et miracles de ses oeuvrees. Le titre : Fiftycent. Il est comique, non?
«In Robert Genn's latest newsletter he is talking about personal coaches and the value that artists could gain from them. He isn't about to become a personal coach himself, but he has made a list of things that an artist could do to make progress.
Here's the full newsletter and here's his list (I hope he doesn't mind me posting it)..
* Find a sanctuary where you can comfortably work. * Dedicate at least two hours a day to your art. * Have more than enough equipment and * Set short- and long-term goals and keep track of progress. * Think of your work as exercise, not championship play. * Explore series development and exhaust personal themes. * Work alone with the benefit of books and perhaps tapes. * Replace passive consumption with creative production. * Use your own intuition and master your technology. * Feel the joy of personal, self-generated sweat. * Fall in love with your own working processes. * Be forever on the lookout for the advent of style. * Try to be your own person and claim your rights. * Don't bother setting yourself up for rejection. * Don't swing too wildly and damage the well-being of others. * Don't jump into the ring until you're feeling fit.
Robert is a Canadian landscape painter and also publishes the newsletter The Painter's keystwice each week. His paintings can be seen on his website here.»
My name is H725 and I come from 2059. I'm part of a group called SAVE THE TEXT SAVE THE WORDS and I have embarked on this voyage for a specific purpose. I am not pulling your leg or trying to make fun of you. I know it is difficult to believe me, but I am here to save the world. My mission is to save text from being destroyed.
I come from the future to stop a catastrophe, I come from the future to stop them. I've only have 21 days at my disposal. I only have 21 days to stop them and save us. Afterwards it will no longer be possible to halt the decline of humanity.
I come from a time in the future in which every type of communication is audio and video; I come from a time in which text, and all written words, no longer exist. They started it all. Bright.ly will start it in 21 days.
I am here to stop them and I need your help. In the time I live, they are everywhere. They have no roots and it is difficult to understand where it all began. The only thing we know is that it started here in Italy on September 27th at 15.32 hrs. My mission is to discover exactly where I can find them, and then to eliminate them.
Bright.ly must be eliminated and any possibility that what they are creating here and now can actually take place. They must be stopped. Now! I beg of you, my forefathers. Help me.
In my video I open my window about your future. My only luggage on this trip is what you can see through my eyes. It is a vision of the future. Do not be fooled by the fascinating images that you see moving. Everything in the future has become superficial, immediate and ephemeral and it all because of them. I am running after a symbol. A precise logo. I need you.
Bright.ly has started to manipulate the world you are living in today. Whatever changes you should feel or see, contact me and let me know. I need all your attention and all the assistance you can give me. Only us togheter. Your help can stop this tragedy.
If any text surrounding you should be transformed into an image, then Bright.ly is close by. If any text you see starts with their logo, then Bright.ly is near you!
Annie Vought découpe de l'écriture sur papier et accroche le tout sur un mur à l'aide de petites épingles. Un travail de moine je vous dit. Voyez ses autres œuvres ici. Annie Vought est aussi co-directrice d'une galerie d'art, la Budget Gallerie. Et je vous fait un copier-coller des règlements de la galerie, parce qu'ils m'ont fait rigoler :
1. We use underutilized public spaces for our exhibitions. 2. If work doesn’t sell at the opening, it stays, in public, unguarded, for at least 1 week. 3. After the opening the unguarded work is sold on the honor system. 4. All art work in our shows will be sold, stolen*, or vandalized** and we can not pre-determine the outcome. 5. Our commission is arbitrary, optional, and determined by the artist.
* Having a work stolen is the highest honor of the Budget Gallery because it means someone wanted the work so badly they were willing to abandon personal and societal mores to acquire your piece of art. In our eyes, this may be considered a more valuable compliment to you than a simple monetary transaction.
** We suggest you consider vandalism a form a collaboration.
Ce site présente, comme le titre le dit (!), des photographies de bâtiments, maisons, usines qui furent impressionnantes à une autre époque et qui, aujourd'hui, sont abandonnés.Les photos de ces endroits dégagent beaucoup de mystère. Intéressant.
«j'ai toujours dessiné - je ne suis jamais allé à une école d'art car je trouve que l'art ne s'apprend pas - il faut passer par soi-meme pour découvrir l'art - l'art vient de l'intérieur de soi et il faut l'exprimer soi-même à sa propre manière - je dessine ce que je pense ce que je vois ce que j'entends ce que je ressens - j'aime me retrouver au fond de mon imagination pour voir ce qu'il y a - quoiqu'il arrive j'espere toujours dessiner» Yann le Scieller, artiste montréalais. Tiré de ratsdeville.
Krek et Mers sont deux artistes britanniques qui font des graffitis. Dernièrement, ils ont été trouvé coupable par un juge qui leur a attribué des sentences de 12 et 15 mois de prison. Près de 2000 personnes ont signé une pétition en ligne pour alléger la sentence. En effet, nos deux artistes n'ont rien de grands criminels... Krek fait des dessins de petits minous japonais, ultra colorés. Et Mers est inscrit au bac en art. Les deux se sont offert pour donner des cours de littérature en prison et des ateliers d'art plastique. The Guardian présente un article intéressant sur leur situation et l'avenir du graffiti que vous pouvez lire ici.
The photographs of Wyatt Gallery and Radek Skrivanek bear witness to nature’s retaliations. The disappearance of the Aral Sea in Kazakhstan and the flood and evacuation in New Orleans are the tragic results of natural disaster and government mismanagement. These photographs, now showing at PEER Gallery in New York, tenderly expose not only the extent of the disasters, but our ineptitude and negligence in their aftermaths. Can photos bring us closer to these events and aftermaths? Or do the images, orphaned from actual catastrophe, further divide those who lived through disaster from those who have seen it only in pictures?
In this campaign for the Academy of the Arts Utrecht, a set of 9 characteristics, nessecary to succeed as an good artist, were determined. A future student would either have them, or be willing to develop them during the education. The qualities are: character, dedication, guts, fantasy, passion, ambition, ideas, fun, talent.
Son site est ici. À la première page, on voit une photo de lui dans son appart. Je suis jalouse de son atelier... il me semble que ça doit être inspirant de pouvoir se réveiller et voir son chevalet, tout de suite, là. Je pense bien que je travaillerais tout le temps!!
Résultat de la rencontre entre Marco Guerra, photographe de mode, et Yasmina Alaoui, une artiste arabe portée sur les motifs et la calligraphie. Visitez leur site ici.
C'est fou! Ce gars aime vraiment le basket et le Etch a sketch. En effet, il peut passer plus de 60 heures à dessiner les membres de son équipe favorite avec ce petit jeu d'enfant. Ce qui n'a absolument rien d'un jeu d'enfant! Voyez ici un vidéo de lui à l'oeuvre.
Le magasin du MomA de New York vend des imprimés de DNA personnalisé. (C'est con, je ne me rappelle plus comment on dit DNA en français...si vous pouvez m'éclairer...) En effet, pour la modique somme de 550 $ vous donnez un échantillon de votre salive et un laboratoire au Canada s'occupe d'en imprimer le «motif». Apparemment, ces imprimés sont tellement populaires auprès du public, que le Moma offre maintenant des imprimés d'empreintes digitales aggrandies. Lisez à propos de ce sujet ici.
Les résultats de la 10 eme édition du concours des professionnels de la photographie et de l’illustration au Québec : LUX. Des travaux intéressants, il faut y jetter un oeil.