Thursday 19 May 2011


I went to the Galerie d'Este (Greene Ave, Montreal) about a month ago and saw downstairs this gigantic drawing of LUDMILA ARMATA, a black formation that looks like a large mouth screaming. It was very disturbing, I could almost hear it holler at me... it made me think of Edvard Munch's popular painting. It is not pictured up here, these are other works from the same artist. The kind of works you have to see in real to really grasp the feeling of it, so if you happen to be in Montreal, you should stop by the gallery. We met over there  art consultant Christopher Baenninger, a really nice man who gave us a great tour of the place...

Originally from Poland, the Canadian artist Ludmila Armata is renowned internationally for the purity of her engravings and the power of her images – simple and ambiguous forms that evoke the irresistible force of transformation in life. The artist is not interested in representing particular objects or anecdotes. Her prints express a process of transformation and not a result; this transformative process is visible in the finished works as much as in the creative process.” (Kim Boumansour, « Impression de corps en mouvement ». Ludmila Armata, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, 2003, P. 12-13-15-17-18.)


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