
Wednesday 26 October 2011


Wow. All the pictures on the site are magnificent. I could not decide which one to post so I strongly suggest you go and check them all out on his website. And his website is great not only for the pictures, but because you can read and learn about all his expeditions and missions. Very, very interesting man and work.


As an award winning photographer, extreme athlete, author, lecturer and environmental activist, Sebastian Copeland’s work has been featured on CNN’s Larry King, ABC, ESPN, NPR, and Current TV and in National Geographic, Vanity Fair, USA Today, Sierra Club, House & Garden, Publisher’s Weekly, W Magazine, Elle, People Magazine.

His fine quality prints have appeared at the United Nations (Solo Show, 2007), the Council on Foreign Relations, Peabody Essex Museum and the Field Museum (Chicago) among others. These works can also be found in private collections in both the United States and Europe and several are now part of the permanent archive of The Natural World Museum in San Francisco.

A Summa Cum Laude graduate of UCLA Film School (’87) and the son of highly successful family of artists (his father is classical conductor Jean-Claude Casadesus, Director of the Lille National Philharmonic Orchestra), Sebastian—a British/French national relocated to NY in 1980—began his career directing music videos followed by commercials. His still work has appeared in hundreds of publications worldwide including GQ, Marie Claire, The Face, Cosmopolitan, Vanity Fair, Elle Magazine, Interview magazine, and National Geographic. The winner of the prestigious International Photography Awards’ 2007 Professional Photographer of the Year for his first book, Sebastian’s prints from “Antarctica: The Global Warning” were also selected to tour as part of the 2006 and 2007 IPA ‘Best of Show’ collection. In 2008, Sebastian released a second book titled Antarctica: A Call To Action.

His early photography ranged from fashion and advertising to album covers and celebrities.

A personal commitment to fight for the protection of the environment has led to a seat on the Board of Directors of Global Green (the US arm of President Gorbachev’s Green Cross International) and a relentless pursuit of a sustainable future.

Sebastian uses photography as a medium for activism. “Helping people fall in love with their world,” he says,”is a catalyst to wanting to save it”. An extreme adventure expert, Sebastian has led various expeditions to the polar regions. Sebastian spent six weeks in 2006 and in 2007 aboard a scientific research icebreaker in the Antarctic Peninsula. In 2008 Sebastian and partner Luc Hardy led a team of nine children from international nationalities for a month in the northernmost Canadian Arctic as the Young Ambassadors of the Arctic. In March 2009, Sebastian led a mission to the geographical North Pole. He and partner Keith Heger walked seven hundred kilometers to commemorate the centennial of Admiral Peary’s reach in 1909. Sebastian filmed the mission and assembled it into the documentary Into The Cold: A Journey Of The Soul. The film premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and went on to win multiple awards. In May 2010, Sebastian and partner Eric McNair-Landry left from southern Greenland to cross the 2300 kilometers of its ice sheet using skis and kites. They reached the northern tip 41 days later. They hold a new world record for longest distance traveled on kites and skis over one twenty hour period by covering 595 kilometers.

In October 2011, Sebastian and partner Eric McNair-Landry will again attempt a new world record with a three months, unsupported, 4800 kilometer transcontinental crossing of Antarctica in celebration of the South Pole centennial.

As an international speaker on climate crisis for over a decade, Sebastian has been featured on television and radio (Larry King Live, NPR, Air America) and has given keynote addresses to audiences at the United Nations, the World Affairs Council, the General Assembly on Climate in New Orleans, the DLD in Munich Germany, the George Eastman House, Google Headquarters and to Apple’s Senior Design Team amongst others.

In 2008, Sebastian was named German GQ’s Man of the Year for environmental leadership. In 2009, he received the Founder’s Award from Global Green USA, and in 2010 the Gala Award for his environmental stewardship. Sebastian currently lives in Los Angeles and drives a hybrid.


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