
Sunday 17 May 2009


Born in Cambridge, England, 1970.
he currently lives and works in London, England.

"Glasgow School of Art graduate Jenny Saville is a recognised member of the recent Young British Artist group. Her inclusion in the infamous Sensation exhibition confirmed her YBA status, which she shares with Damien Hirst, Fiona Rae and Martin Maloney, amongst others. Contradicting the YBA stereotype, Saville focuses on traditional oil painting, and her style has been compared to that of Lucian Freud. Famous for her oversized paintings of overweight women, she celebrates the female form – defying today's contemporary norm - and has been praised for her ability to ‘wallow in the glory of expansiveness’. "(opus art)

Jenny Saville is now making headlines : The Manic Street Preachers, a rockband, has seen their CD sleeve banned. The album cover, showing a painting by Jenny Saville depicting a face of a boy "in colours that vary from olive green to reddish brown, blue and black, was being judged too offensive to go on public view.
The painting can apparently be interpreted to show blood on the boy's face – although as the band rightly point out, this is a subjective view. He might have crimson scars and battered lips; or these might just be the colours Saville has used to evoke the appearance of flesh. The whites and creams, the blues of his eyes, are just as shocking.

Saville's fans – who evidently include the Manics as this is the second time they've used her work – see her as this century's Lucian Freud. Be that as it may, the impact this picture has made raises the interesting possibility that hand-made, painterly images now have more power to shock than conceptual artworks. Everyone is used to seeing dead sharks. The point about photographic art is that it's quite simple, really, whereas a painting can raise all kinds of troubling ambiguities."(guardian)
The banned Manics sleeve article in the guardian
Jenny Saville @ Gagosian
Jenny Saville on Artnet
Jenny Saville on Saatchi
Jenny Saville on Wikipedia