
Tuesday 10 February 2009

Jeremy Deller

This week, British artist Jeremy Deller opens a new project at the New Museum that encourages viewers to engage with the reality of war in a manner even more direct than what images can offer.

The centerpiece of the project, titled “It is what it is: Conversations about Iraq,” is the charred wreck of a car that was bombed in Baghdad — tangible, undeniable evidence of the ongoing violence. But while this alarming sight is meant to bring the reality of the war home, the larger goal of Deller’s exhibition is to provide a place for dialogue between visitors and various experts on the war. To that end, he has invited journalists, an army sergeant, academics, translators, and refugees from Iraq to take up residence in the gallery and be available for discussion with the public during the exhibition’s run from February 11 to March 22.

After the show closes, Deller will board an RV with two of the experts and travel across the United States, towing the car on a platform and stopping at art institutions and community sites to invite non-art-world audiences to engage with the wreckage and spokespeople.

ARTINFO discussed the project with Deller in the New Museum a few days before the opening. Read the interview here.

1 comment:

  1. irak, sudmérica, hoy podría versar sobre el primer mundo, un beso
