
Friday 12 December 2008

Mel Ramos

Mel Ramos born in Sacramento, California in 1935 has enjoyed great success and critical acclaim as an adventuresome artist with the creativity and sense of humor it takes to remain on top. He is one of the artists in the Pop Art movement. Mel Ramos received his first important recognition in the early 1960s; since 1959 he has participated in more than 120 group shows. Along with other artists such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg and James Rosenquist, Ramos produced art works that celebrated aspects of popular culture as represented in mass media. His paintings were shown along with theirs in major exhibitions of Pop Art both in this country and in Europe and were reproduced, often with irony, in books, catalogs, and periodicals throughout the world.

Classification of Ramos within a school of art is disputed. Some critical observers of the "art scene" classify Mel Ramos as a Pop Artist. However, others believe identification of Ramos' work within the Pop movement of the 1960s implies a satirical or parodic bent which does not reflect the broader context of his paintings, and instead defend his "parodies" as respectful, affectionate tributes, a celebration of images with personal meaning. (Wikipedia)


  1. Curieux hasard, Betty Page qui était la Reine des Pin-Ups est décédée hier à l'âge de 85 ans.

    Quand trouvez le temps de peindre, car votre blogue doit vous occuper? Mais continuez, vous me faites découvrir plein de trucs.

    Bon week-end

  2. Ha, ha, ha! Mais non, le blogue ne m'occupe pas tant que ça. J'y passe maximum 1 heure (peut-être 2!) par jour. Tout le reste (ben presque...) je l'ai pour travailler dans l'atelier. Et mon blogue, c'est ma "recherche et développement". J'adore rechercher et découvrir de nouveaux artistes et donc quand je vais sur internet, c'est tout ce que je fais. Et comme je n'ai absolument aucune mémoire, mon blogue me sert de banque de données... en tout cas, c'était ça l'idée de départ...

  3. Alors, merci de partager votre «recherche et développement»!
